Fundo orgao de tubos Rodrigo Herrmann

Ana Beatriz Herrrmann Destefani, for include the web design with adequate usability, text, font size, spacing, images, clear paths, consistent styles and colors, easy, clear and concise navigation;

Collegium Cantorum, for perform, record and present, in Brazil and abroad, the Equal Voices Choir compositions with such a tuneful, harmonious and sweet sound;

Deborah Nazareth Alves, for the graphic design and visual conception;

Ednéia Cristina Straiotto, for scan the original scores and photos;

Flávia Herrmann Meneses, for include the composers biography in net contents;

José Gomes Gomez, for edition;

KaptainCong, for musical assembly and formatting of the related works: "Prelude to Daybreak" and "It's Wonderful";

Helma Haller, whose talent leads to meticulous and refine interpretations made possible to hear nowadays the sound that the composer created by his music;

Heirs of the composer, Berenice, Ricardo, Paulo, Cecília and Teresinha, for the original scores, newpaper releases, magazines, audio, photographs that made possible this work;